Purchasing aircraft involves steps that when left out can have serious consequences to the buyer. Problems that commonly occur when purchasing aircraft can cause many thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars in unexpected costs unknown to the buyer at that time. Most of which are caused by the lesser knowledge of first time buyers. You may be purchasing repairs or equipment for your newly purchased plane before you ever take off the ground. Not to mention the hassles that can come with title problems.
Almost 99% of these problems can be fixed by getting your aircraft appraised and finding the one you want for the right purpose. Most consumers do not know that a very through examination of log books and FAA forms can reveal repairs or problems on aircraft that your considering purchasing.
What sellers may not tell you is how many repairs have been done on the plane, engine, interior, paint jobs. |
You get what you pay for, don't be fooled by flashy paint and a leather interior. Let Nationwide Aircraft Appraisers help you make the right decision about that plane you've always wanted, while saving you money, time, and insuring your happy with your purchase.
Our apppraiser has been in the aircraft industry for years, and maintains close watch on the marketing and manufacturing of aircraft and airplanes worldwide. He has been doing certified appraisals for many years now and he is a member of the NAAA.
 (National Aircraft Appraiser's Association)
Contact him by phone (512-963-7196) or via for more information. |